Sunday, September 11, 2011


You may attend one of the Mary E. Rolling reading events and write a 500 word reflection in order to receive extra credit. This reading series is sponsored by Penn State's MFA program in English and provides the Penn State community with the opportunity not only to hear celebrated living authors read from their work, but to ask them about their process as writers. You can attend as many readings and write as many reflections as you want. Each reflection will be worth one blog entry. The Mary E. Rolling reading series schedule is as follows:

Thursday, September 22: Linda Gregerson
Thursday, October 13: Sharon Olds
Thursday, October 20: Anne Stevenson
Wednesday, November 2: John Edgar Wideman
Thursday, December 1: Stuart Dybek

Readings are always held at the Foster Auditorium in the Paterno Library and start at 7:30 p.m. -- try to get there 10 minutes early for a good seat. These events fill up fast!  

For your reflections, I want you tell me a bit about the author, what sort of writing they do, what they read, how you liked it, what you learned about the author's writing process during the Q&A session, and what you feel you took away from the reading, whether it was about writing, or something topical in the author's work that got you thinking about life in general.

If you do attend a reading and write a reflection, please send me an email to let me know so that I can give you proper credit.

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