Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog Entry Seven: Evaluating the Rhetoric of Web Design

After reading Chapters 51 and 53 in The Norton Field Guide, you should now have a good sense of the things one must consider when constructing something like a website or a blog: issues of audience, readability, usability, hypertext, interactive features, visuals, etc.

Now, I want you write a paragraph or two (at least 250 words) evaluating the design of your own blog. Is it easy to read? Is it appropriate for a college classroom about Rhetoric and Writing? Does it express who you are as a writer and a student? Does it accomplish its purpose?

Then, I want you to perfect the design of your site. Pick new fonts, headers, a new color scheme. Edit your blog entry headings -- anything that will be an improvement on your current design. Add photos, etc. Make your site visually appealing and easy to read, correcting major typos -- things of that nature. Consider that you are editing your rough blog into your final blog, or something along those lines.

After perfecting your design, I want you to then write a paragraph or two (at least 250 words) on why you chose the new elements that you did. Use at least two hypertext links to websites whose design inspired yours (don't just copy and past the URL into your text, but use the "Link" option in the tool bar to help make hypertext links). How are the new choices you made meant to consciously contribute to the larger rhetorical situation you are creating with your blog? How do these choices more appropriately satisfy the criteria for a good English 15 blog?

Due by class Friday, October 7 

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